
In, you can join a clan whose name will be added onto your cell. Being in a clan doesn't change anything in-game.

There are a lot of different clans in Agma, all with highly skilled leaders and members. All of them have different policies. For example, to get into the clan [GAY], you have to go through 2 Stages of trials. They test your ability to play solo in a game, how good you are at 1 v. 1, and how fast you can get into 1st place on the leaderboard. If you successfully complete these tasks, you will be given the second stage of the test! This stage is based on your knowledge of PopSplitting, SplitRunning, TrickSplitting, and all the other important parts of the games. Most all clans communicate in Discord, a website and app to communicate with other gamers. Many Agma players use this website because it is a great way to stay in touch with other players. There is an Discord chat that everyone can be in for convenient's sake.

Below you will see the top 6 clans!

The best way to find a clan is to go onto Discord where a channel has been created for players and recruitments where they can post the link of their servers.

The link below will take you to the official Discord server:

[Click Here]

Hello i am [+C+] and the owner of a clan called T.S, Joining a clan is simple but first you must be approved by the owner, For example anywhere you see the owner/vice owner You can ask them to join the clan. My clan members had to battle me for a approval to join my clan T.S which stands for TryHard Stats i play SOLO most of the time if You want to join T.S meet me at SOLO If i am not there you can always ask the vice owner T.S Alien or the Moderator Finky which is a T.S member can message me on discord For the Approval. That is how You can join My clan And Thank you for Reading[]



